Arrangeras parallellt


May 21-22 2025,  Malmö, Sweden

Welcome to Automationsteknik 2025

Automationsteknik 2025 brings together executives and professionals from organisations developing smart and sustainable solutions in manufacturing. It is the Nordic region’s largest and most important exhibition of the year for smart automation, robotics and digital transformation.

Automationsteknik 2025 provides an overview of developments on the journey to automated and fully autonomous production. A meeting place that covers all developments from components to systems, from services to applications across all the sectors within manufacturing industry.

Together with the parallel exhibitions ProcessExpo 2025 and Maintenance Technology 2025, we are creating a mega-event for Nordic industry featuring innovation, process technology, smart maintenance and digital transformation. Three fairs under one roof, visited by thousands of representatives from the leading companies in Scandinavian industry.

Manufacturing and process industries will gather on 21-22 May, 2025 in Malmö. You’re welcome to take part!

+ 4000


+ 250


Komplett mötesplats med extra allt


Under Industrimässorna Öresund bjuder Plantvision in till en spännande livepodd som pågår under två dagar. Här får du ta del av inspirerande intervjuer, intressanta samtal med branschens experter och insikter som gör skillnad – allt direkt från mässgolvet!

Läs mer om Plantvision

Prisutdelning av Guldhanden

Genom Guldhanden vill Tidningen Automation sätta extra ljus på branschens drivna unga medarbetare och framtidens ledare inom tillverknings- process- och automationsteknik. Passa på att nominera någon av som du anser förtjänar ett erkännande av sitt betydelsefulla arbete.

Nominera här


Efter första mässdagen arrangeras ett fartfyllt mingel där du som besökare får chans att knyta nya kontakter. Ta del av prisutdelningar, tilltugg, live-uppträdande och överraskningar värda att minnas. Underhållningen kommer Jamladies att stå för! Med sin dynamiska scenstil och breda repertoar lovar Jamladies att skapa en härlig atmosfär som både inspirerar och engagerar. Missa inte chansen att uppleva deras svängiga toner och smittande energi – en perfekt avslutning på första mässdagen!

Läs mer om Jamladies

Kostnadsfri mässa

Mässan är kostnadsfri att besöka och här möter du 200 ledande leverantörer inom industrin. Det är en branschöverskridande mötesplats där du kan träffa en bredd av företag, experter och kollegor, allt på samma ställe. Här ser du den senaste tekniken och framtidens lösningar. Här finns utställare inom AI, digitalisering, energieffektivisering, Cyber Security, hydraulik, automation, predektivt underhåll, processtekniks utrusning, mätteknik, robotteknik, smart tillverkning, fastighetsautomation, mekatronik och mycket mer.

Registrera dig här

Nätverksträffar och matchmaking

Samverka på de nätverksträffar som arrangeras. Knyt kontakt med likasinnade från olika branscher som delar samma framtidsvisioner för att utveckla nya spännande projekt, dela erfarenheter och kunskap tillsammans. Använd våra digitala verktyg för att smidigt boka möten med precis de personerna du vill träffa. På mässan pågår en ständig Matchmaking som leder till nya kontakter och nya möjligheter. Din nästa stora affär kan börja här!

Öppna Scener

Tre öppna scener med inspirerande, framåtblickande och kunskapshöjande föreläsningar. Här kan du ta del av den senaste tekniken, nya lösningar och goda exempel för framtidens hållbara produktion. Bli inspirerad, få en branschöverblick och ta med dig ny kunskap hem.


Underhållsteknik 2025 is organised in parallel with ProcessExpo 2025 and Automationsteknik 2025. With three fairs over two days, creating one mega-event, the Öresund Industrial Fairs showcase the production industries of the future.

Our aim is to stimulate the contacts that will drive investment in sustainable and efficient production in the Nordic region.

Manufacturing technology under the spotlight

As the Nordic region’s largest and most important exhibition and conference of the year for technologies such as smart automation, robotics, RPA, augmented reality and digital transformation, Automationsteknik 2025 brings together representatives from manufacturing companies and organisations developing and implementing smart and sustainable production methods.

Process engineering under the spotlight

ProcessExpo 2025 is the largest and most important meeting place for sectors such as food, beverages, fuels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. The fair showcases exciting new technologies such as digital twins and industrial IoT as well as transformative energy solutions such as heat recovery and carbon capture, green innovations and process intensification. This is the event where you will discover the process industry of the future.

Strategic Maintenance under the Spotlight

Underhållsteknik 2025 is the largest meeting place of the year in the Nordic Region for industrial maintenance. Today, strategic maintenance is one of the most important functions for driving operational reliability, sustainability, efficiency, output quality and increased profitability in manufacturing and process industries.

Focus areas

Together, the three fairs will focus on seven areas:

Digitalisation, AI & machine learning, IoT, cloud services and cyber security

Smart manufacturing/Industry 4.0

Sustainable and green industry

Industrial energy supply

Industrial safety

Smart maintenance

Skills insurance and development in industry – the future of work

Who will visit?

On the exhibition floor you will among others meet;

  • Company management
  • Consultants
  • Constructor
  • Data analysts
  • Engineers
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Technical Manager
  • Technicians
  • Production manager
  • Procurement professionals
  • R&D Managers
  • Sustainability Manager
  • System integrators

and other buyers and decision makers from the manufacturing industry.

Malmömässan – at the heart of Nordic industry

Southern Sweden and Copenhagen/Zealand form the economic powerhouse of the Nordic region, producing 26% of the combined GDP of Sweden and Denmark.

It’s a region with more than 4.1 million inhabitants that is now connected geographically as well as economically, via the Øresund road and rail bridge.

Its industrial and IT cluster employs more than 500,000 people. No other part of the Nordic region has more manufacturing and industrial companies than Southern Sweden and Zealand.

They have a great need for a common meeting place to learn about the latest innovations and technologies and to meet and do business.

That’s why Underhållsteknik, Automationsteknik and ProcessExpo Öresund are highly anticipated and will be visited by thousands of industry representatives from Sweden, Denmark and beyond on 21-22 May, May 2025 at Malmömässan.

Here’s why
You should exhibit

Meet potential costumers

Get yourself in front of thousands of potential customers, and position your business as an innovator and expert within the manufacturing industry.

A part of Öresund Industrial Fairs 2025

Ba part of an exciting cross-industry meeting place

with three trade fairs in two days within the areas of

Automation technology

Process technology


In Malmö

It takes place in Malmö in the heart of  the Öresundregion, the economic powerhouse of the Nordic region, producing 26% of the combined GDP of Sweden and Denmark.

Meet decision makers

You will meet decision makers whose doors are usually closed and with whom it is difficult (if not impossible!) to book a meeting. You will build a pipeline of valuable contacts that can provide business for a long time to come.

Competitive edge

As a launchpad for innovation and new technology, taking your place here gives your company a competitive edge.


+4000 visitors from the manufacturing industry  offering limitless opportunities to network and meet the right people.

Package & prices

Registration fee

9 900 SEK


Company name and logo in exhibitor list online

Company name in exhibitor list in the app

Insurance for exhibitors

Marketing materials

Lead capture device

Unique link for creating your own visitor list

Unlimited invitations to the event

Trade Show Exhibitor Training (in Swedish)

12 Sqm

42 000 SEK




3 spotlights

1 electrical outlet

16 Sqm

56 000 SEK




4 spotlights

1 electrical outlet

20 Sqm

70 000




5 Spotlights

1 electrical outlet

24 sqm

76 800 SEK




5 spotlights

1 electrical outlet

Cost for 2 open sides

3 500 SEK

VAT not included in price

Other sizes and stand packages are availble, please contact us for more information!

Bronze Partner

99 000 SEK

Bronze partner visibility  & speaker slot

Visibility as a Bronze partner and marketing materials for the whole event

30-minute speaking opportunity on one of the event’s open stages

12 sqm stand including carpet, walls, 3 spotlights and 1 electrical outlet

Registration fee

Marketing materials

Unlimited invitations to the event

Silver partner

175 000 SEK

Silver partner visibility & speaker slot

Visibility as a silver partner in marketing materials of the entire event.

45-minute programme item on one of the event’s open stages

20 sqm stand including carpet, walls, 6 spotlights and 1 electrical outlet

registration fee

Marketing materials

Unlimited invitations to the event


250 000 SEK

Gold partner visibility & speaker slot

Exposure as the gold partner in marketing materials of the entire event

45-minute Key note programme item on one of the event’s open stages

24 sqm stand including carpet, walls, 6 spotlights and 1 electrical outlet

Registration fee

Marketing materials

Unlimited invitations to the event

Open stage partner

185 000 SEK

Be visable where the visitors gets the inspiration, takes part of the know-how and new innovations!
One stage for every exhibition and only one Open stage parter for each open stage.

Production of  below stated is included in the price!
You send us your logo and we take care of the rest!

EXPOSURE OF LOGOTYPE: every 6 meter at the fence surrounding the stage

EXPOSURE OF LOGOTYPE: on tapestry above stage

EXPOSURE OF LOGOTYPE: at the wall behind the screen on the stage

EXPOSURE OF LOGOTYPE: at the chairs on the stage

EXPOSURE OF LOGOTYPE: At the program by the stage area (2 roll ups or signs)

SPEAKER SLOTS: 2 slots for a presentation or work shop

EDITORIAL TEXT in one of the news letters before the exhibition

EXPOSURE OF YOUR LOGOTYPE in marketing of the open stages program (tickets, webb and so on that has not been printed when agreement of partnership is made)


29 000 SEK

Arrange a 30 minute open seminar on one of our three stages!

The stages are open to all visitors at the fair

Make the most of your participation and get the visitors attention outside your stand!

For more ideas of how you can be noticed outside your stand and get the visitors attention please contact us!

Below is just a few expamples!




Give aways at the entrance

Partner at the café

Contact us


Sales Manager
Automation Technology
+46 (0) 760 -35 19 00


Business Manager

+46 735 14 68 45